
Intrepid Developer is run by Chris Vanderplank (BEng Software Engineering) and Gemma Finn (Web Developer).
We are based in Norwich, Norfolk and provide a flexible personal approach to software development with a specialisation in web technologies.

Responsive Web Applications

With the massive growth of the Internet and the World Wide Web it is usualy the first place people go to find information. It is more important now that it has ever been to have a successful web presense. We can build you anything from a simple single page website with the wow factor to a full blown web application like Facebook and eBay. No matter what you need we can make it.

Here at Intrepid Developer, we specialise in Website Development and aim to deliver a responsive site that meets the demands of today's market. Our websites are guaranteed to work on todays modern technology, whether that's an iPad, Xbox One, Mobile Phone or even those old fashioned "computers".

Responsive websites are websites that autmatically adjust themselves for optimal viewing on almost all devices. This website is a prime example, it will automatically adjust what's on the screen to give you the best viewing experience. Try it yourself by resizing your browser window or viewing it on your phone or tablet. With the ever growing number of mobile users it's more important now than ever that your websites and web apps look great on any device. That's where we come in, we use the latest technology to test all of our work accross multiple devices. We use BrowserStack to test against all the popular browers and devices to make sure your site looks great.


Mobile phones and tablets are the go-to devices now with several billion out there. It's now even more important to get your business in the App Store. Today's Apps, when developed and marketed correctly, can generate income through Adverts and Sales.

We can build your App and get it submitted into each App store. We develop natively on all 3 major platforms (iOS, Android & Windows). This will give you the best chances to reach all devices across the globe.

Intrepid CMS

CMS (Content Management System) are advanced websites that allow you easily build your own site through powerful backends. Some CMS's are big, bloated and overly complicated. We decided to build our own system from scratch to be easy to use. Charlotte Cory's site has been built on top of our C# based system. It's built on the latest Microsoft MVC framework and provides a dynamic row based layout that's simple to use. This website is also built on top of our C# system.